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Kosovo under the flag of 'great Albania' (Vesti)

While most Kosovo leaders officially claim that they don’t support ‘great Albania’, judging by the displayed flags in Kosovo, the old ‘project’ seemingly became a legitimate and indisputable.

The feature which presents a direct attack on Serbian territories, but sovereignty of Montenegro, Macedonia and Greece too, is not a matter of an individual presenting his own political view any more, after the flag of ‘great Albania’ was displayed on the official institutions in Deçan/Dečani last week. Huge black flag with the map of ‘great Albania’, featuring images of the Albanian national heroes Ismail Çemajli and Isa Boletini, along with the inscription ‘autohtonus’, was displayed on the Culture Centre in Deçan/Dečani Municipality, which is run by the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo of Ramush Haradinaj.

“Displaying of such flag is not only a message to Serbs, it is clear message that the idea of ‘great Albania’ is not only a myth, but someone’s goal,” said outgoing Minister for Communities and Return in the Kosovo government, Dalibor Jevtic.

Flag of the Republic of Albania was also displayed, for the first time ever, at the very entrance in the village Čaglavica/Çagllavica, populated mostly by Serbs.

With the approach of 28 November, which is the Albanian national  flag day, flags of the Republic of Albania, along with the flags and posters featuring ‘great Albania, are made more visible throughout Kosovo.
