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North of Kosovo as Republika Srpska (RTK2)

Last month, Serbian President Tomislav Nikolić managed to dramatize the issue of Kosovo recognition and then to announce that he has a plan for the final solution, says analyst Dusan Janjic.

"According to announced plan, solution is actually one streamlined option of Association/ Community of Serbian municipalities, which would have a high degree of competences and which would be reduced to four northern municipalities with executive authority, such as a Republika Srpska. That would represent the red line. So, if this solution would not be accepted, President Nikolic has announced discontinuation of the Serbia’s accession talks with the EU," said Janjic.                                

The actions of Belgrade are helping Serbia to move closer to the EU, but they do not help Kosovo Serbs, says MP and candidate for mayor of Gracanica, Nenad Rasic. It is believed that Vucic and Nikolic actually prepare the public for the formation of the Association/Community of Serbian municipalities that will lead to the abolition of Serbian institutions in Kosovo. What Serbia actually proposes is that Kosovo Assembly adopt a law that would guarantee social security for Kosovo Serbs.

"There is only one more chance to find the mechanism for protection the Serbs in Kosovo, if announcements are correct, i.e. that Serbian institutions in Kosovo will collapse in April. I think that we must act immediately. This is an appeal for Mr. Nikolic and Mr. Vucic not to forget the Serbs in Kosovo and not to forget the Serbs in the south," said Rasic.