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Gašić: Army will not be the topic of the dialogue (Danas)

Formation of Kosovo's army will not be the topic of this round of Brussels dialogue, said Bratislav Gašić, Defence minister of Serbia, commenting on the recent announcements of the Kosovo officials. He said that such statements are for internal political use and that Serbia is serious country, which abide to all signed agreements and obligations including the UNSC Resolution 1244, in which everything is clearly defined. 

Officials of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo and Metohija said that the establishment of the Army of Kosovo would be contrary to the Kumanovo Agreement and UNSC Resolution 1244. On the other hand the existence of the security forces or armed forces is ‘dodging of the agreement’, according to which the KLA supposed to be disarmed. "Nominally, on paper, they disarmed the KLA, but in fact they just changed the labels on the uniforms. That’s how the formation was at first called the Kosovo Protection Corps, and after Kosovo Security Forces. Now they want to call it the Kosovo armed forces. You do not have to ask us what we think about the KLA, regardless of how they are called," was stated from the Office for Kosovo and Metohija.