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Christian heritage in KiM presented in the US Congress (RTS)

A monograph “Christian heritage of Kosovo and Metohija: Historical and spiritual center of Serbian nation” was presented on 10 February at the US Congress library. It is about supplemented edition of “Heritages of Kosovo” in the English language. Several presenters appealed for the end of demolition and desecration of Serbian churches in Kosovo and Metohija, carried Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC).

Bishop of Herzegovina Atanasije stressed that spiritual, cultural and artistic heritage of Kosovo and Metohija, around 1.400 churches and monasteries and particularly dozens of grate shrines built between 12 and 14 century, fell in the category of the highest achievements of the Christian civilization. Unfortunately, instead of recognizing such heritage as the world’s wealth those orthodox and Serbian monuments are, besides few exceptions, exposed to demolition and devastation, reads the SOC statement.

From that reason Serbian Orthodox Church is deeply worried about the destiny of our people in Kosovo and our shrines, from which 150 were destroyed in the period 1999-2003 and another 35 during the Pogrom in 2004.
