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Rasic: Without majority of Serbs there won’t be law on special court (RTK2)

MP from the ranks of the Progressive Democratic Party (PDS) in the Kosovo parliament Nenad Rasic said that adoption of the law on special court requires 80 votes of MPs, amongst whom and at least 14 votes of MPs from the ranks of non-Albanians.

“Ruling coalition has the majority, however, unless MPs form the Serbian List are not present at the session where draft law is discussed, there is possibility that the law won’t be adopted,” said Rasic to RTK2.

“If MPS from the Serbian List don’t attend the session where this document is supposed to be adopted, in no way they could justify freezing of their functions. They were elected to work for the benefit of their community, and not to stay away in order not to make any mistakes. By doing so they are neglecting citizens’ needs. If you freeze your functions you should freeze salaries and other benefits. If they would not attend session of the parliament, where this law will be debated, the purpose of their existence, political and institutional, won’t exist. I think they will be forced to participate, because the law on special court is the most important law in this year,” said Rasic.

Rasic said that one should not set aside the fact that there will be MPs who will t probably vote against the law, and that Kosovo would show political maturity with adoption of this law, because in the contrary the court would be established by the UN.