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Community of municipalities obligation under Brussels deal (RTS, KIM radio, TV Most, Tanjug)

Politically, establishment of the community of Serb municipalities in Kosovo is an obligation under the Brussels Agreement and it is advocated by Belgrade and the representatives of the Srpska list in the province, the head of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija, Marko Djuric, said Wednesday.

The Brussels Agreement is not a "buffet" where everyone can take what suits them, Djuric said at a conference on respect of European human rights conventions in Kosovo, organised by the Strasbourg House of Justice.

Under Kosovo's laws, many rights contained in European conventions are guaranteed to Serbs, but not much of that is respected in practice, Djuric said.

Socialist Party of Serbia MP Dejan Radenkovic said that "there is almost no sphere of life in which there is no violation of European conventions related to the rights of Serbs" in Kosovo, including the rights to property, employment and use of their mother tongue.

Analyst Dusan Janjic of the Forum For Ethnic Relations noted that, in discussions with representatives of the international community, Belgrade must insist on guarantees for respect of the rights of Kosovo Serbs.