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Oliver Ivanović: Albanians not ready to think strategically (Kontakt Plus Radio)

The leader of the Civic Initiative SDP Oliver Ivanovic assessed today that announcement about a resolution on genocide against Albanians committed by Serbs in 1999 in Kosovo can lead to a deep polarization amongst Serbs and Albanians, and that in such circumstances the Serbian List is closer to the option of not returning to Kosovo institutions.

“If someone is adopting such resolution it simply pushes the Serbian List into situation not to enter into those institutions. Whose interest would that be? Thus, insisting on such resolution, particularly on the side of those who are at least formally in the coalition with the Serbian List, simply doesn’t make any sense,” communicated Ivanovic, who is currently in detention in Kosovska Mitrovica under charges for committing war crimes in 1998 and 1999 in Kosovo, through his lawyer.

Ivanovic pointed that international community was so far a passive observer of vibrations on the Kosovo political scene in order to let institutions deal with the problems on their own, what he deems wrong.

“I think this is wrong because objectively speaking, Albanians are not ready to think strategically, instead in this situation they are led by certain short-term goals, which is not strategic thinking,” said Ivanovic.