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Pantic: Incidents could lead to unforeseeable consequences (Tanjug)

The frequent recent incidents in northern Mitrovica could escalate into serious conflicts with unforeseeable consequences for the entire Serb population in Kosovo, Krstimir Pantic, Serbian parliament MP from Kosovo, warned Tuesday.

The former president of the majority-Serb municipality of Mitrovica and former deputy director of the Serbian government’s office for KiM, believes that the responsibility for the incidents should be borne by all – Belgrade and Pristina, and Brussels, and the Kosovo police.

“Belgrade is responsible because it accepted offers that are far below the minimum guaranteed by the Ahtisaari plan, which is the constitutional obligation of Kosovo,” he said.

“Pristina (is responsible) because of the fact that it sweeps its political and economic problems under the carpet and points its finger at the Kosovo north as source of instability, and Brussels because of the fact that they want to round off the Kosovo independence project and forcefully integrate the Kosovo north into Kosovo institutions as soon as possible. Also responsible are certain Kosovo police leaders who cooperate with criminals on both sides of the River Ibar," Pantic said.