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Condition of the Serbian language in Kosovo and Metohija (Politika)

"When it comes to the general condition of the Serbian language in Kosovo and Metohija today, it is in many ways worse than in previous years. If the policy of the Republic of Serbia doesn’t radically change in this regard, we will just record the frequency and types of violations of the language rights of Slavic population," said Dr. Mitra Reljic in the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU). Yesterday, in SANU was presented her book "Serbian language in Kosovo and Metohija, today", published by the Serbian Academy of Science and the Faculty of Philosophy in Kosovska Mitrovica.

Professor Reljic said that the situation is even worse since marginalization and repression of Serbian language takes place behind a number of established bodies, so-called Commission for languages, various committees for monitoring language rights, which serve as a cover for the smooth implementation of well-designed strategy.

"Since in these sectors are employed the Serbs, even those without a minimum linguistic competence, causing the damage is even facilitated. Same Serbs will impose the incorrect Serbian language and poorly educated people will believe in its accuracy. The best example of 'nurturing' Serbian language under the control of the government in Pristina is the program of RTK in Serbian language. The employed journalists don’t have basic knowledge of the language and at the same time they are the best promoters of the same language," said Mitra Reljic.
