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The government forgot persons kidnapped in Kosovo (Kontakt Plus Radio)

The Association of Families of Kidnapped and Murdered in Kosovo assessed that Serbia has forgotten the Serbs that were kidnapped in Kosovo.

The Association has asked the representatives of the Serbian government why they didn’t request the arrest of Kosovo Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci, who is "proven pre-war, wartime and post-war criminal". "What is Hashim Thaci for you? Why have you warned him that he will be arrested if he comes to Belgrade? Is he a criminal only for Belgrade, while in Brussels, Vienna, Washington, Pristina you sign agreements with him," reads a statement of the Association, issued after Thaci's statement given to Vienna newspaper Standard. In a statement given to that newspaper Thaqi seeks from Serbia apology for the victims of the Kosovo war in the 90s and announces the filing of the lawsuit against Serbia for genocide.

"Did you ever ask Thaqi to release the Serbs which were kidnapped in 1998, 1999, and 2000? Why the Serbian state against the Constitution, laws, morals and interests of families of kidnapped Serbs released from the Serbian prison 2,108 criminals and terrorists and therefore signed the death warrant to our kidnapped family members," was asked in a statement.

The Association of Families of Kidnapped and Murdered in Kosovo and Metohija, also asked the representatives of the Serbian government “whether the most important topic for them is formation of the Community/Association of the Serb municipalities and whether the Serb municipalities will work under the Constitution and laws of Serbia, or in accordance with Kosovo laws?”