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Petition for construction of monument to the Serbian victims (RTK2)

The Association of Families of Kidnapped and Murdered in Kosovo marked the 17th anniversary of the first mass kidnapping in Kosovo and initiated collecting signatures for the construction of the monument for the Serbian victims in Belgrade. "As an Association, we will initiate a petition so that the state, citizens, veterans' organizations, the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Defense could help," said the president of the Association, Simo Spasic, adding that it is necessary to collect about 2,500 signatures.

The Association will request that City administration, as soon as possible, assign location for the monument to the victims - not just those killed in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, but also civilians, policemen and soldiers who were killed in the NATO bombing in Kosovo, Serbia proper and Montenegro.

In front of the Belgrade Court for war crimes, beside so-called "wall", where are photos of 2,500 killed and kidnapped civilians, soldiers and police officers, Spasic told reporters that the Association chose June 28 as a day of remembrance of the Serbian victims.

Head of the Department for Missing Persons Ljiljana Krstic said that for the Commission for Missing Persons and for Serbia, the case of the discovery of the remains of abducted Serbian miners is not closed. "It is still open. Only because of the complexity of the terrain must be collected accurate information, in order to continue the process of searching for Belaćevac miners," said Krstic.