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Fear from Jihadists in Mitrovica North (Vesti)

Many Serbs in northern Kosovo sent their children to the schools in central Serbia, because they are afraid that jihadists will attack Mitrovica North.  “Wahhabis have a strong foothold in the Bosnjacka Mahala for years, which is just a step away from our houses. They are often sending us messages, through intermediaries or phone, to move out, threatening that “it will be blood to the knees.” Threats are not harmless. Those are people who fought on the side of the KLA and who are now under the command of the Islamic state. Their leader Ekrem Avdiju had a unit Abu Bekir Sadik, which committed terrible crimes in Drenica,” said one of the inhabitants of this mixed area in northern Kosovska Mitrovica.

The fear is also due to the constant threats of Lavdim Muhaxheri that soon he will come from Syria to northern Kosovo to clash with the local Serbs. “Muhaxheri has several hundred followers in Mitrovica South and in Kosovo several thousand. Some have been in the KLA, and some fought in Syria and Iraq. As soon as they receive the order to open a Balkan front, first they will hit the Serbs in Mitrovica North. Kosovo Police Service cannot and will not defend us, and we also doubt in KFOR,” said another citizen from Mitrovica North.

Until the signing of the Brussels Agreement, Serbs had organized Civil defence and there was no chance that Wahhabis, or anyone else surprise them. Now, the Service is disassembled and handed over to Pristina authorities.