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Simic: Relations between Serbia and the US on the rise (RTS, TV Most)

When many important meetings are organized in a short period, such was the case with the US and Serbia, then it means that great importance is attached to our country, Dragan Simic Dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences told RTS.

He notes that a swing was created in the foreign policy, but also in domestic policy.

When asked whether economy can strengthen ties between Serbia and the USA, Simic responds that it is always good when economy comes to the agenda, because it means that the political climate is favourable.

Simic reminds us that the United States in Serbia invested nearly two billion dollars since 2000.

On a reminder that the United States and Serbia did not agree on the Kosovo issue and the Bytyqi brothers case, Simic believes that there no two countries in the world that agree on everything.

However, he adds, the area of disagreement between USA and Serbia has significantly decreased because our country is committed to resolving outstanding issues, of which one is to find and punish those who burned the American Embassy.

He points out that relation between Serbia and the US are going in the right direction. "The American voice has great weight. The US support is crucial, and the claim is not far from the truth that the path to Brussels leads through Washington," says Simic.

Simic says and how Washington praised Serbia's remarkable attitude towards refugees.