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Vucic rescues himself with elections and Putin (Vesti)

The only possible exit from the labyrinth in which the Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic found himself, after the extradition of the draft platform of 36 points for Chapter 35, which represents the essential recognition of Kosovo's statehood, are the early parliamentary elections and Russia's help.

Analyst Cvijetin Milivojevic predicts such an option.

- He has stepped up his nationalist rhetoric which sounds nice for the ears of his voters, if he sells Telekom, and if IMF permits the raise of pensions, it will go in favour of an extraordinary vote of citizens - interprets Milivojevic.

He said that he was not able to know exactly Vucic's solution on the offered platform from Brussels, but that it was clear that Vucic's voters expect a message which says that Serbia under these circumstances will not go to the EU.

- I think that Prime Minister will seek another mandate on new elections, just because his electorate does not breathe in favour of new conditionality - explains Milivojevic, noting that Serbia's entry into negotiations on the chapters does not mean that it must sign what was offered.

Milivojevic indicates that part of the patriotic opposition, but and the Left, such as the Socialists, the salvation from the Kosovo's entry into UNESCO, sees in Moscow.

- Here the story revealed about our great friends, the United States, France and Germany, even in close neighbourhood, Montenegro and Macedonia. It remains for Vucic to ask Russia to save us from European friends, and in parallel, to ask China and the countries that are against Kosovo's membership in UNESCO - says the analyst, adding that the term of Vucic's upcoming meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow was determined as a warm-up before the election.