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Trajkovic: EU increasingly put efforts to make state from Kosovo (Radio Kontakt plus)  

Announcement of the signing of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between Kosovo and the European Union did not attract any attention in Serbian media, said President of the NGO European Movement of Serbs, Rada Trajkovic. Then Kosovo signed the agreement and all the information about achieving success in Kosovo accession to this and other international institutions were not presented in the Serbian media.

"In this way, in fact is concealed the truth- that the European Union is increasingly making efforts to make the state from Kosovo. Signing the SAA between Kosovo and the EU opens up the possibility of availability of funds. On the other side this kind of institutional leadership, which we have in Kosovo, would not be able to provide basic level of standardization anywhere in the world, even not in Brussels ", says Trajkovic.

According to her, the only thing which left is to wonder whether these moves mean for the European Union "two days of peace and decades of instability in Kosovo, or maybe would be wiser to have had two days of unrest with the Kosovo criminal and corrupted elite for the sake of decades of peace."

She added that the role of Serbia in the process of creating Kosovo's statehood is huge. However, she is not sure whether Serbia deliberately did it or by its inefficiency, bearing in mind how quickly Kosovo is moving towards international institutions, “regardless of the behaving towards Serbian community and the cultural heritage.”