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Radojevic: Police hands are tied, judiciary not doing its job (RTK2)

The current security situation in Kosovo is complex, despite the official position that situation is stable, said Deputy Kosovo Minister of the Interior Milan Radojevic to RTK2. He further said that the several months long blockade of the parliament is contributing to the rise of tensions in Kosovo, and is linked to latest attacks on Serbs with the situation in the Kosovo parliament.

When asked about the very small number of resolved cases of attacks on returnees Radojevic said that the police had been rightly criticized in this regard, and added that there had also been instances of perpetrators being detained and later released by the prosecution. He stressed that this sends a very bad message to returnees who think that they are not protected and that crimes against them go unpunished, whereas perpetrators can be left to think that they will go unpunished for every crime they commit. Radojevic added that the Kosovo judiciary holds a high level of responsibility in this regard.

Kosovo Police has strengthened its presence in Peć/Pejë region where most of attacks against returnees took place, said Radojevic and stressed that vacancies will be published in a couple of months aimed at hiring more Serbs in the  Kosovo Police.

He reflected on the situation in the north of Kosovo and said that due to the current situation with the judiciary, residents may get the impression that the police is doing absolutely nothing and said that the ‘police hands are tied, because it depends on prosecution and judiciary’.

Radojevic also voiced his concerns in relation to religious extremism and said that due to the high unemployment and large population of youth, Kosovo is a fertile land for the recruitment of new members of radical groups.