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Đurić: Settlement for returnees to be built in northern Kosovo (TV Most)

The Director of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said yesterday that after 16 years a settlement for returnees will be built in northern Kosovo, between North Mitrovica and Zvečan/Zveqan, with three hundred modern and top-equipped houses for around 1200-1500 persons.

“This settlement will be built in the next 12 months, and our plan and mission is to have, after 16 years, the first serious returnee settlement in Kosovo and Metohija, where together with a home you can live in, comes at least one work place,” said Djuric in Kraljevo, where he met displaced persons from Kosovo. He also said that this is one of the most important projects of the Serbian Government, and named it as “the first sustainable plan for return to Kosovo and Metohija”.

“I know that for security and other reasons many can’t go back to other places, but we want to fight for our Kosovo and Metohija by making it possible for more people to live there, and for these people, whose lives may be difficult in central Serbia, to have a chance of living a dignified life in Kosovo,” said Djuric, and added that Serbian Government is not giving up from Kosovo, and not giving up the most difficult battles.
