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Serbian list condemn insulting labeling of Serbs by lawyer Tom Gashi (Tanjug, RTS)

Lawyer Tom Gashi from Pristina was hosted by the TV ‘Klan Kosova’ on Friday night where he named Serbs with insulting words, what prompted the Serbian List to react and condemn his hate speach.

Gashi used insulting expression ‘Shkije’ (Pigs) for labeling Serbs several times during a TV show despite warnings by a TV show anchor not to use unacceptable speech, who also requested him to apologize. “Gashi, an educated person and a lawyer, should be aware of the consequences of such a shameful labelling. This is the pure hate speech with intention to provoke Serbs at the time of our biggest religious holiday. On behalf of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija we demand the public apology,” communicated the Serbian List, and added that such speech is jeopardizing normalization of relations.

The Serbian List also requested from the Kosovo Chamber of Lawyers to react because, according to them, Gashi has caused damage to the reputation of this institution.