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Albanians ripping Serbian books (Kontakt Plus Radio)

New books in Serbian language, which Serbian Ministry of Culture buys for public libraries, can’t reach Kosovo and Metohija libraries because authorities in Pristina are not allowing their transport through administrative crossings. Serbian librarians from Mitrovica North, Zubin Potok, Zvečan/Zveçan and Leposavić/Leposaviq are warning that they will face huge problems this year when it comes to receiving books, renewing collections and promoting the literature in Serbian language in their institutions.

“We had serious problems last year. They were ripping the packages with books, the condition of books when we received them was shameful. They want their state and they are doing all this things in order to provoke us,” says Ljubinka Jovanović, director of the library ‘Petar Petrović Njegoš” in Zubin Potok.

Her colleagues from Mitrovica North are faced with the same problem. Olivera Stević, the director of the city library “Vuk Karadžić” fears that it will be more difficult this time, however she said that they will do everything they can that books find their place on the shelfs. “We reached the agreement with the National Library of Serbia that packages with books are labeled as donations, but I am afraid that this won’t pass. I heard that letter of approval is supposed to be obtained from Pristina, however I will not ask for this because I don’t recognize them, even if the paid shipments are at stake. Our libraries, with their work and by ordering new books, are showing that state of Serbia is present here, what doesn’t’ suit Kosovo authorities and who deem culture as a mean for reaching their goals,” said Stević.

The Schools Management in Kosovo and Metohija is faced with the same problem. Not a single school book has been received from Serbia proper due to the ban from Pristina that refers to Serbian books and other printed material needed for education, diplomas and other documents, and which are not allowed to pass through administrative crossings.

“Teachers and parents of students from schools in Kosmet were forced to go to central Serbia, most often to Raška and Vranje, in order to buy books. Schools, that are teaching in Serbian language are even prevented from being provided with diplomas needed for the end of the school year cycle,” says Predrag Stojčetović, the head of the Schools Management in Mitrovica North.
According to him, authorities in Pristina, are linking this issue with the problems related to sending books in Albanian language to municipalities Preševo, Medveđa and Bujanovac in central Serbia. However, representatives of the Schools Management say that according to the agreement reached between Belgrade and Pristina, education in Serbian settlements in Kosovo is carried out in line with the Serbian curriculum and that justification of Pristina authorities is unacceptable.