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18 years since mass kidnappings of Serbs in Orahovac/Rahovec (TV Most)

The Association of Families of Kidnapped and Missing Persons in KiM to hold a memorial service to commemorate the day of mass kidnappings of Serbs in Orahovac/Rahovec municipality in 1998.

Eighteen years have passed since the mass kidnappings of Serbs in the Orahovac/Rahovec municipality. Slightly more than 20 families are still searching for their loved ones who disappeared during the period from 11 to 22 July 1998 in the municipality of Orahovac/Rahovec in an armed attack by members of the Kosovo Liberation Army.

At that time, more than 100 Serbs and Roma, mostly civilians, were kidnapped and taken to prisons and concentration camps of the KLA. During the attack seven people were killed.

Through the Red Cross a group of 35 civilians was freed. Others have disappeared without a trace. 2005 in Mališevo/Malishevë and Volujak were found remains of thirty-six people who were kidnapped in July 1998.

No one has been held accountable for crimes committed against Serbs in the villages around Orahovac/Rahovec. Families of the missing hope that those responsible could be identified and punished by the Special Court for war crimes committed by the KLA.