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Commissioner: Resolving the fate of missing obligation of the state and society (NMagazin)

Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection today on the occasion of the International Day of the Disappeared recalls that 20 years after the end of conflicts in Croatia and Bosnia and 15 years after the end of the conflict in Kosovo and Metohija there are no reliable information about the fate of nearly 11,000 people from the former Yugoslavia.

In a statement, Commissioner appeals all the state and other authorities, within their jurisdiction and the possibilities of discovering, acquiring and making available relevant information, to continuously contribute the resolving of serious and a long open humanitarian issue of missing persons.

"By supporting fully the efforts of the coordination of associations of families of missing, murdered and killed persons from the former Yugoslavia, by marking this day to remind about the missing, the obligations of the state and society to shed light on their fate, the Commissioner expresses the hope that all public services in the region (Belgrade, Zagreb, Sarajevo, Pristina) which the Coordination of associations addressed with a request to broadcast videos, will adequately respond to that request," said the statement.