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The people who are recruiting fighters for Syria are the problem (N1)

Kosovo police, in cooperation with the Kosovo Intelligence Agency prevented planned terrorist attacks in Kosovo and the region. Target of the attack were footballers, and supporters of Israel during a match in Albania. Miloš Popović from the Belgrade Centre for Security Policy says the objective of the arrested group is transnational because of connections with IS and the target of the attack shows it.

Popović believes that we should separate attacks that have been prevented, from attacks that occurred in FYROM and Zvornik, because, he says, these attacks were carried out by the so-called lone wolves, or people who did not have the coordination or connection.

"In this case it was planned well, they were associated with two people from Syria and such attacks are organized through the subsidiaries located in countries. In Belgium and France were similar attacks in which have been used subsidiaries, people who are associated with IS in Syria ".

He says that there is data of security services and civil society organizations which show that about 300 people from Kosovo went to Syria. States that 50 of them were killed, and that a certain number returned, and there will be more of them.

"100 to 140 Serbian citizens went to Syria, 100 from Bosnia and Herzegovina, of all these countries, Kosovo has the highest number of people per capita who have gone to fight. The problem is the people who recruit for Syria, and they are in various organizations sponsored mainly by Saudi Arabia, these are sometimes even humanitarian organizations, but also the mosques," said Popović.