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The agreement on freedom of movement not sufficiently transparent (KIM radio)

The agreement on freedom of movement is not sufficiently transparent and in the sense is no different from other agreements reached within the framework of the Brussels dialogue. This was the conclusion at the conference "Transparency: Agreement on freedom of movement, doubts and interpretations" that was held at the Center of civic energy in Mitrovica North.

The conference presented the results of research on how much the citizens of Mitrovica North are familiar with the agreement on license plates. The conference was attended by representatives of civil society organizations in this city.

Analysis of the reports revealed that to the question "Which licence plates should be covered by stickers" only 9.4 per cent of respondents gave the correct answer, and the 61.9 gave incorrect answer.

The results of the study also show that the citizens do not trust the agreements that were reached between Belgrade and Pristina or they simply feel that these decisions are not good enough to be implemented.

The NGOs have sent an appeal to the authorities and relevant institutions to reach clear and unambiguous agreements within the Brussels dialogue, and with concrete information. The lack of transparency and lack of information gives the impression that the agreements were reached only because of a political purpose and that they do not lead to concrete improvements of the lives of citizens on Kosovo.