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Danger of terrorist acts in Kosovo is now "high" (Serbian media)

Milovan Drecun said on Wednesday that "incidents cannot be ruled out" in the coming period, "due to the situation in Kosovo and Metohija."

The chairman of the Serbian National Assembly's Committee on Kosovo and Metohija said this particularly in view of the arrest of Ramush Haradinaj, adding that the danger of terrorist acts being carried out in Kosovo was "high."

"There are hints by extremist Albanians and especially former members of the terrorist KLA ("Kosovo Liberation Army") and OVPMB (UCPMB; "Presevo, Bujanovac, and Medvedja Liberation Army") that they could possibly commit some violent acts," Drecu said after a session of the committee, that was closed to the public and lasted almost three hours.

Drecun noted that members of these groups "constantly" use social networks and media to send their messages and make voices heard, "and are ready to cause violence."

For that reason, he said, incidents cannot be ruled out in the coming period.

Asked by reporters whether this applied "only to the territory of Kosovo and Metohija," Drecun said that while members of the former KLA and OVPMB structures are present in Kosovo, "elements of these structures are present in many countries."

He expect pressure on Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija to grow in the coming period.

"We've analyzed in detail the current situation and ascertained that the political situation is relatively stable, despite certain political tensions that are present, but that the security situation is sensitive and shows a tendency to deteriorate. Related to this, the presence of radical Islamists in Kosovo is significant and our relevant services assess that the danger of terrorist acts being committed in Kosovo and Metohija is high," Drecun said.

The Committee has asked state organs and security services to "monitor in detail" and inform this parliamentary body about the political and security developments in Kosovo and Metohija, he added.

Wednesday's meeting was attended by representatives of the Interior Ministry (MUP), civilian and military security agencies (BIA and VBA), the military intelligence agency (VOA), and the Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija, who briefed the Committee's members about the current political and security situation in Kosovo and Metohija.