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The Kosovo government appropriates and Serbian schools (KIM radio)

By appropriating the property of the former Yugoslavia, Serbia and the Autonomous Province of Kosovo, Government of Kosovo becomes the owner of the buildings, in which are placed Serbian schools and health facilities.

"According to the decision of Pristina and this building, all the schools in central Kosovo are in their property. During UNMIK nobody has raised a question of the facilities used by Serbs in Serbian areas. Education and health are the part of the disposal of the Republic of Serbia," says the director of elementary school in Laplje Selo Ljubiša Karadžić.

Member of the Parliament of Kosovo Nenad Rašić dissatisfied by this unilateral move says that this is another reason for not implementing the agreed.

"Whenever we think that we can make deal about something, something new happens which erases the first and then we can no longer talk. When I say this I think of the ZSO and the initiative to make a joint meeting. When we were willing for it and when there was a technical base, thanks to Nataliya Apostolova who has initiated it all, something new happens, just prior to a potential meeting and it leads to the situation to completely cancel such an initiative," said Rašić.

Decision on appropriation of property is diverting attention from burning issues, such as corruption, crime, high unemployment and low living standards of citizens, considers historian Aleksandar Gudžić. He says that Pristina uses the legal vacuum because there is no signed agreement on succession with Serbia, but at the same time, this move sends a bad message to investors.

"Does this mean that anyone who wants can seize someone's property? This is a message to foreign investors that Kosovo is ''dark Vilayet'', black hole of Europe, in which is not advisable to invest. This is the message: Invest but maybe tomorrow there will be some new Isa Mustafa, who will usurp another's property," says Gudžić.

Although contradictory, Gudžić says that this decision was well for the authorities in Belgrade, because it can be used during the election campaign.