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Serbs will get two ministries and positions of deputies? (Novosti)

Novosti daily reported that these days, the leaders of major Albanian parties are in the process of intensive negotiations on the formation of the future government in Kosovo, while the representatives of Serbs say they have not yet received any official invitation for consultations.

“No one has contacted us yet, but of course we will talk to everyone and we will strive to provide the best possible position through the central institutions for the interests of the Serbian people in Kosovo” Slavko Simić, President of the Srpska Lista told “Novosti”.

He denied the allegations that the representatives of the Srpska Lista had recently talked unofficially with Kadri Veseli, former Chairperson of the Assembly and a member of the party of Hashim Thaci, who proposed Ramush Haradinaj as Prime Minister.

“Novosti” also reported that in addition to the position of Deputy Chairperson of the Assembly, Chair of the Committee on Rights and Interests of Communities and membership in other committees, representatives of Serbs also expect several ministerial posts in the future government of Kosovo.

However, they still do not want to speculate on the concrete positions.

According to the unnamed source of “Novosti” from the Srpska Lista, it is quite logical that the Head of the Ministry for Communities and Return remains a Serb, that is, Dalibor Jevtić, because it was assessed that he was performing this function very efficiently, and that Serbs retain their position in the Ministry of Local Self-Government. They are also planning to request another ministry/department, given the result of the Srpska Lista.

“Despite speculations that the Serbs might take over the Ministry of Agriculture, this is very unlikely, as the budget of this ministry is more than 25 million euros. It would also be difficult for them to get the management of the Ministry of Social Welfare, since the new government is expected to solve the issue KLA veterans. Unofficially, it is more likely that the Serbs will be offered the position of Deputy Prime Minister, as well as the deputy positions in certain ministries” Novosti reported.