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Staro Gracko: Murder anniversary of 14 Serb harvesters marked (KIM Radio)

The eighteenth anniversary of a murder of 14 Serb harvesters was marked in the village of Staro Gracko, Lipjan/Lipljan municipality, KIM radio and other Serbian media reported. The perpetrators of this crime still remain unknown, while the investigation is closed. Since the investigation into the case is closed, members of the families expect the case will be taken over by the Special Court for War Crimes. “We hope that the Special Court would initiate an investigation, bring perpetrators to justice, so the victims can rest in peace,” stated one of the family members. KIM Radio further reported that UNMIK had initiated the investigation, and then handed over it to EULEX. Seven Albanians, members of the former KLA, were under the investigation for the murder in Staro Gracko. According to KIM radio, the investigation was closed, although one of the suspects for the murder, had the gun of one of the murdered Serbs. Meanwhile, Director of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo, Marko Djuric said to Tanjug that “Serbia would continue to support the struggle of families to find out the truth about killers, and I do not accept shameful inaction of the judiciary institutions who have nothing to offer except closing the case and mislaying the evidence.”