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“Government of Serbia should not take anyone’s side” (Danas, RTK 2)

Civic Initiative Central Kosovo called upon the representatives of the Serbian Government to “stop taking anyone’s side” in order to provide citizens in the forthcoming Kosovo elections to “make their own assessments” respectively “to punish or reward results achieved on the ground,” Serbian media reported.

The CI Central Kosovo further said the results on the ground are catastrophic – social injustice, double and triple salaries, irresponsibility, lack of work and conformism,” RTK 2 reported.

As noted, the reaction of the Civic Initiative running in the local elections, in the municipality of Gracanica, came following the meeting of the Serbian President, Vucic with representatives of Srpska Lista, and messages that came out of that meeting.

“Serbia must not treat her children as a stepmother, but as a mother, to give all love and attention to some and to curse and revile others, in particular those who remained faithful to her all these years” statement of the CI Central Kosovo reads.

It further called upon the leaders of the Srpska Lista to “show courage” and “unequivocally and publicly point fingers at those, for which there are information, are instruments of anyone working against the interests of Serbs in Kosovo”.