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Today the formation of power in Serbian municipalities in Kosovo (Politika)

All ten mayors from the Serbian List at the local level will implement a policy that is being implemented at the parliamentary level, says Igor Simic, Belgrade based daily Politika reports.

The constitutive sessions of local assemblies will be held today in seven out of ten municipalities with a Serb majority. Mandates of mayors and councillors in Mitrovica, Zvecan, Leposavic and Zubin Potok will be verified, then in Gracanica, Strpce, Novo Brdo, that were elected in the local elections held on October 22 in 38 municipalities, organized by the Central Election Commission (CEC) in Pristina.

The head for the cooperation with the media and the civil sector of the Serbian List, Igor Simic told Politika that, after giving a solemn declaration, the mayors will present the program of work for the next four-year term.

"All ten mayors, from the Serbian List, at the local level will be implementing a policy implemented at the parliamentary level. The Serbian list managed to gather the entire Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija, and received the absolute support of the displaced Serbs. The Serbian List has a great political force that will focus on the struggle for the exercise of the rights of Serbs in Kosmet and displaced persons, who are waiting for their return for 18 years. They will also direct all their forces to the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities," Simic told the daily, stressing that mayors in these municipalities have additional obligations, that is, to justify the confidence of the Serbs which they received in the elections, but also the confidence given to the Serbian List by Aleksandar Vucic and official Belgrade.

Although announced for Monday, sessions were postponed for "technical reasons" for the end of the week, Simic says.

The establishment of the Municipal Assembly Ranilug should be tomorrow, and for December 18, the constitution of the new parliamentary convocation in Partes is announced, while it is not yet known when the session will be held in Klokot, Politika writes. In that, one of the smallest municipalities with a majority Serb population, the CEC has yet to confirm the final results of the second round of elections, which took place on November 19th.