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DW about Merkel-Vucic meeting: The same messages, the tone different maybe (N1, DW)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is holding a regular pace of meetings with Europe's most powerful politician Angela Merkel, and although at first glance it seems that the German chancellor will not have much to say, today's meeting could be more interesting, especially behind closed doors, assesses Deutsche Welle (DW).

DW recalled that Merkel received Vucic as prime minister on March 14 last year that many observers had interpreted as "helping the best Balkan student in the middle of a presidential election campaign" and adds that Vucic has returned to Berlin again, this time as president, but again before the elections, the Belgrade one, where the list of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) has been named after him.

Year ago, Chancellor has mentioned good bilateral relations, praised Vucic for contributing to stability, economic reforms and the attitude towards the migrant crisis, diplomatically mentioning the need for an agreement with Kosovo and the freedom of the press that Brussels will not "extort", is already in the interest of Serbia.

But, today's meeting, especially behind closed doors, could be more interesting, N1 reports, quoting DW.

Messages may be the same, but the tone could be different, DW estimates, adding that the EU's strategy for the Western Balkans, as well as the visits of "more eminent diplomats" to the region, show that Brussels and Berlin are in a hurry.

The Strategy says that relations with Kosovo should be regulated "urgently" and that "urgent" is latest next year, in order that the "indicative" and "encouraging" term, for joining the Union in 2025, become real, DW said.

"With a little luck," DW added, maybe Merkel will clarify for Vucic what her technical chief of diplomacy Sigmar Gabriel actually wanted to say during a recent visit to Pristina when he mentioned "recognition" and "acceptance" of Kosovo's independence.

Also, since the last meeting in Berlin, numerous analyses have arrived to the table of Angela Merkel, giving an inadequate mark to the rule of law and state of media freedom in the era of Aleksandar Vucic, so the messages that will be heard would be similar to last year's - a line of diplomatic praises, about which Serbian media will report a lot, a line of diplomatic criticism about which the Serbian public will know much less, estimated DW, reports N1.