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Jaksic: Reforms more difficult than Kosovo (FoNet, Danas)

Serbia would easier resolve the Kosovo issue, than to truly reform and harmonize itself with European liberal values, a journalist and foreign policy commentator, Bosko Jaksic told FoNet news agency, adding that Vojislav Seselj is one of Serbia’s EU “progress measure”.

Jaksic pointed out to “a paradox situation” in which the EU over the last months after “selfish insistence on Kosovo,” “thanks to Russians” increased its interest for other spheres as well.

“It obviously proved out that lack of interest for reforms provided space to “Putin’s influence” in Serbia, and only then the EU rebelled and started to often place the rule of law and freedom of the media even before the Kosovo issue,” Jaksic explained.

“This in addition to the importance, carries an even higher degree of danger,” Jaksic went on saying, convinced Serbia would easier resolve the Kosovo issue than to truly reform itself.

Jaksic added he would not be surprised if overambitious associates of President Vucic propose him and Hashim Thaci for Nobel Prize Award, pointing out that, however “reform of a state and society is much harder process, as it encompasses an honest approach to the issues, and that honesty does not exist here for decades.”

Asked who should write a legally binding agreement between Belgrade and Pristina, who should approve and “stamp” it, Jaksic responded it requires “lots of professional knowledge and work, therefore experts should draft it”.

According to him, it would be good if the agreement would be guaranteed by all five UN SC permanent members as it would mean “its sustainability and inability to be disputed.” However, Jaksic think this is not going to happen, and the agreement would stay within the EU framework, while the USA would provide back up support as it was the case till now.

When it comes to Russian involvement, Jaksic thinks “it remains to Serbia to remind Russians about what they have said, and it is, they would accept any solution that Belgrade accepts,” FoNet news agency reported.