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Serb arrested at Jarinje crossing (KIM radio)

At the Jarinje crossing in northern Kosovo, D. S. (44) was arrested on suspicion of committing war crimes in Kosovo, reports Serbian media based in Kosovo.

D.S. who lived in Obilic until 2003, and currently lives in Lazarevac, was arrested at the Jarinje crossing, and he was given a measure of detention for up to 48 hours.

The Office for Kosovo and Metohija in its statement said that this was an illegal, undemocratic practice of arrests based on secret lists, which, as it has been shown earlier, had been made mainly on the basis of false reports and testimonies.

"The aim of this practice is to create disorders and fear in the ranks of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija, to limit the freedom of movement and to discourage the return of internally displaced persons."

The Office for KiM provided legal aid to D.S., media reported.