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Serbian Orthodox Church against division of Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti)

We appeal to our statesmen to never consent to the alienation of Kosovo and Metohija, since what is taken by force can be returned, while what is given away as a gift is lost forever, and Serbs and Serbia must not allow that to happen. The Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) sincerely hopes that the problem created firstly by an armed uprising of Albanian separatists, and then by the occupation of our southern province would be resolved peacefully based on justice and law principles.

This is in shortest the message, from the Serbian Orthodox Church Holly Assembly Session, on Kosovo, Belgrade-based daily Vecerenje Novosti reported, claiming it had an insight into the final text.

The daily further said there are still ideas on the division of Kosovo between Serbia and self-declared “Kosovo state,” while the Church considers it is nothing else but the recognition of Kosovo and giving away the largest part of the territory of Kosovo.

“In the world history there is no example that a nation in peace, two decades after armed conflict, give away something that belongs to them for something that is already theirs. The division would leave the vast part of Kosovo and Metohija to the mercy and disfavour of the regime of the so-called Kosovo state and pogrom similar to that of March 2004, or Serbs would be forced to exodus under silent terror and pressure,” SOC text, the Bishops called “Fathers’ Appeal” reads.

Serbian Orthodox Church message further said that without the consent of Serbia and the United Nations Security Council, as well as without consent of all European states, including five EU member states that do not recognize Kosovo independence, the situation in Kosovo and Metohija cannot be forcibly changed “despite all political pressure that Serbia and some other countries that do not recognize Kosovo are facing”.

The Serbian Orthodox Church warned that recognition of Kosovo, would in long-term jeopardize survival of the Church and Serb people in Kosovo and would contribute to declaring the Serb holy shrines as Kosovo or Albanian cultural monuments. That would represent “murdering” of Serb peoples’ memory, SOC warned.

The Church also noted the Kosovo issue represents Serbian, Church, national and state issue of utmost importance.

Prosperity of Serbia cannot be built on disintegration of something that represents a cornerstone of its integrity, history and statehood. Preserving Kosovo and Metohija as integral part of Serbia, according to all international standards, and at the same time in line with the Constitution of Serbia and UN SC Resolution 1244 does not mean confronting the world, but affirmation of a stance that without fundamental rights and freedoms of one people, its identity, spirituality and culture, a stable, sustainable solution cannot be found. Now, our obligation is greater than ever before to witness and testify with facts at any place that society in Kosovo and Metohija is not built by people of equal rights and freedoms, but by a society that is in all its aspects, contrary to the basic values on which democratic societies are founded, Serbian Orthodox Church further said.

As an example of violation of the rights of Serb people and the Church in Kosovo, Serbian Orthodox Church mentioned preventing of establishment of the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities, disrespect of the Constitutional Court decision on land belonging to Visoki Decani Monastery, blocking regulation of a SOC legal status and Serbian cultural heritage, Vecernje Novosti reported.