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Vecernje Novosti: Albanian plan to cut off north (Serbian media)

Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti reported today it has learned that Pristina authorities with the help of NATO allies plan intrusion to the crossing points Jarinje and Brnjak, aiming to confirm “sovereignty” and cause a psychological impact on Serbs. The daily continued that Albanians ordered 12.000 German rocket launchers called “Armbrust.”

According to daily’s information, the highest Kosovo officials are involved in this plan, while intrusion to Jarinje and Brnjak crossing points is being operationally prepared in the USA military camp Bondsteel. The aim of the action to be led by Kosovo Security Forces (that could evolve into the Kosovo army in the meantime) is to cause psychological impact on Serbs in the north of the province, and create the impression they are cut off from central Serbia.

This dangerous idea could be implemented with the silent consent of EULEX Mission, as it was the case recently during ROSU action in Mitrovica North and brutal arrest of Marko Djuric, which drastically violated the Brussels agreement.

There is also a concern that provocation which is carefully being prepared could easily flame the spark. Vecernje Novosti referring to its well informed sources further said, Albanians ordered 12.000 rocket launchers “Armbrust” fearing possible Belgrade’s response.

There is also an assessment that Serbian Army would not stay idle to the escalation of violence in the province, and the most important spots in the north would be, due to the field configuration, most easily reached by armoured vehicles. And the “Armbrust” although is not the latest developed weapon, is known to be a reliable tool for action against tanks, fortified positions and men power.

However, the international community warned Pristina that transformation of the Kosovo Security Forces into army should not be done without consent of the Serbs, which means it should go through constitutional amendments. In order to have those adopted, the two-thirds of MPs, including two-thirds of non-majority MPs votes are needed.

Commenting on Pristina’s announcements about creating an army, even without the support of Srpska Lista, President Aleksandar Vucic said he is concerned, but not that much scared as “it would not be the first time that Pristina violates internal procedures and international law, wanting to present itself as strong and powerful.”

Vucic added it would be good if their mentors, who have participated in a creation of Kosovo independence, influence their protégées to act seriously and more responsible.

Pristina-based analyst, Fatmir Sheholli, told Vecernje Novosti that 10 MPs from Bosniac, Roma, Ashkali and other communities would vote for constitutional amendments, however 4 votes from Serb MPs are missing.

Pristina rushes with the establishment of the army as it would round up its “independence.” In order to present these are “multi-ethnic forces” they are working hard on recruiting Serbs using the most various methods, starting from intimidation on potential candidates that their family members could be listed on Albanian warrants to threats their property would be taken away, daily wrote.