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Belgrade will seek unlimited protection for the monasteries in Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti, TV Most)

Recognition of the position of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo and maintaining a legal regime of protection for 44 facilities that represent special zones of Serbian cultural and religious heritage, will be among the key demands of Belgrade during the dialogue on a comprehensive solution for normalizing relations with Pristina, writes Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti.

In addition, according to the paper, referring to the sources from the top of the government, Serbian side will demand that some other cultural property and temples of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) be included in the protected regime, and that the SPC should be able to have full right to dispose of all its movable and immovable property.

The special protection zones of Serbian heritage belong to the monasteries of Visoki Decani, Gracanica, the Patriarchate of Pec that are under the protection of the UNESCO, but also other temples and churches in Gnjilane, Strpce, Srbica, Klina, Orahovac ...

Also, this includes the medieval bridge Vojnovic in Vucitrn, the monument Gazimestan, the fortress Zvecan, the medieval town of Novo Brdo, the village of Velika Hoca, writes the daily.