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Simic: Kosovo Serbs OK with division if they get more rights (RTS, N1, KIM radio, Kontakt plus radio)

Serbs in Kosovo agree with the idea of a division of Kosovo only if the arrangement would guarantee them more freedom and more rights than they had so far, said the Vice-President of Kosovo’s Serb List, Igor Simic.

He added that the Serb List, a political group of Serbs in Kosovo, trusts Belgrade’s negotiation team unequivocally.

Simic told Serbia’s public broadcaster, RTS, that Serbs in Kosovo live in suspense for decades already.

"When you take everything into account, should there be any chance for economic and political progress, I am certain that such a solution would be supported by Serbs," he said.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic recently proposed Kosovo to be divided between the northern Serb majority municipalities and the Albanian majority rest of the territory.

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