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Zakharova: We will accept the solution that is acceptable to the Serbian people with respect (RTS)

Director of the Information Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Maria Zakharova told RTS this morning that Russia's attitude towards Kosovo is consistent and strict. This attitude is built on three components - the international legal basis of what is happening in Kosovo, respect for the sovereignty of Serbia, independence and internal Serbian legislation, and understanding the interests of the people and Serbia as a state, Zakharova stressed.

Speaking about visiting Serbia, Maria Zakharova thanked the Serbian people and the leadership of Serbia for being able to visit Serbia and spoke about her impressions during the visit.

On the occasion of speculation that Putin and Tramp discussed the partition of Kosovo, Zakharova said, visiting the RTS News, that this is false news which aim is confrontation of the Serbs and the Russians.

"As far as our attitude is concerned, it is traditional and consistent. In today's world, consistency is a rare thing, and on the Russian side, Russian foreign policy adheres to the lines of consistency," says Zakharova.

According to her, about Kosovo, and Russia's relations with Kosovo, the relationship is consistent and strict, it does not change due to political conjunctions.

The attitude is strict and transparent, and built from several elements, explains Zakharova.

"First, they are the international legal bases of what is happening in Kosovo. There is a UN Security Council Resolution, and no one has abolished this resolution, and it is in force. Those countries that now more than anybody shout about the necessity of respecting international law - they must remember that Resolution 1244 is on the table," she says.

According to her, the second element is respect for Serbia's sovereignty and independence and internal Serbian legislation.

"At least when all countries are focused on democracy and respect for democracy, it is necessary to respect the sovereignty and independence of Serbia and the Serbian legislation - that is the second block of elements on which our position is built," Zakharova said.

According to her, the third element is the understanding of the interests of the people of Serbia and Serbia as a state and in that sense of the national interest of the people.

"From these three components, we build our consistent attitude and you can be sure that this attitude will not change," she said.

Understanding national interests of the people of Serbia

Speaking about the demarcation, Zakharova said that one of the elements is an understanding of the national interests of the people of Serbia. What will be acceptable to the people of Serbia regarding this issue, this will be respected with respect, says a spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry.

"The question is whether this is useful and what will be useful for the people of Serbia," Zakharova said.

"Ten years have elapsed since Kosovo's secession from Serbia, more than 100 European countries in the Western region have recognized this state and we do not think so, and they helped financially and politically for 10 years," Zakharova said.

According to the report, out of these 100 countries, ten are the richest in the world. "They pumped big money there and they've got what - nothing came of it. How the black hole was and so it remained, and earlier they said that Serbia was guilty of Kosovo living so poorly," Zakharova stressed.

"It is impossible to build the future on lies, and so was built the future of Kosovo, on lies, violations of international law, and then you remember that it was the injustice of the gigantic proportions that our American partners tried to spread when they told the world that Kosovo has been separated on the basis of a referendum - you know that there was no referendum, but everyone thinks that this is absolutely lawful. It is impossible to build the future at the expense of the lives of others, Zakharova concluded.

Dacic: We are doing nothing behind our main partner's back

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Ivica Dacic said on Sunday that it is too early to talk about whether Russia and the US support Belgrade’s idea about demarcation with the Albanians, Serbian media reported.

Dacic told reporters that he and President Aleksandar Vucic are constantly talking with Russian officials, and that “the US is open to discuss everything, including the demarcation idea.”

“We are not doing anything behind the back of our main strategic partner [Russia], a country that is giving us the greatest support. On the other hand, that is a topic that is discussed with the most important countries although the EU is conducting the dialogue. There is no permanent solution without the participation of other countries too,” said Dacic, responding to the question whether Belgrade has presented to Russia and the US the idea about demarcation and whether it has requested support for it.

Dacic hosted in Serbia Maria Zakharova, Director of the Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.