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Serbian List replies to Fatherland Movement: Citizens forget nothing (TV Most)

Serbian List (SL) replied to the Fatherland Movement by pointing out that “Slavisa Ristic (President of Fatherland Movement) in his desire to hide the truth with thousand lies, was trying to deceive the Serbian public, counting on that the citizens would forget all of the machinations and political misdeeds which he has committed with former and current politically like-minded people and partners,” TV Most reported.

SL pointed out that Ristic refuses to provide the reasons as to why he accepted, together with Tadic, Đilas, Kostunica and Jeremic that the self-proclaimed Kosovo is a separate customs area and why he was an accomplice at the setting of the border of Serbia at Kopaonik, while deceiving the people in northern Kosovo and forcing it to take part in the protests that lasted for days, while he was getting rich. SL also underlined that Ristic is trying to make the Serbian public disregard the fact that “in September 2011, with the aforementioned individuals, he sent Borko Stefanovic, to sign with Edita Tahiri the creation of ABL crossings”.

On Tuesday morning, Fatherland Movement issued a press release, in which it reminded the public it was the Government of Serbia (GoS), led by Ivica Dacic and Aleksandar Vucic, that on December 6, 2012 has signed the Conclusion of GoS , in which, among other things it was said in the point 5 that GoS will not introduce the paying of customs and other duties at Jarinje and Brnjak ABL crossings. Fatherland points out that before this decision, four presidents of northern Kosovo municipalities (GoS backed) had a meeting with PM Vucic.

“Unfortunately, Government has deceived them and has established the customs and used its own funds to finance the construction of the ABL crossings” Fatherland said and reminded that soon after, the four municipal presidents were dismissed.

“In yet another phenomenon, the President of Serbia has no competition. This is the betrayal of national and state interests through the relinquishment of 16% of the territory of Serbia. There are no such presidents in the world,” Fatherland said, concluding that Vucic wants to get a Nobel Prize and that he sees himself as a “Serbian Willy Brandt who solved a century old problem between Serbs and Albanians,” Serbian media reported.