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American Serbian Orthodox Church: Territorial division would cause mass exodus and internal expulsion of the population (Kontakt plus radio)

On August 31, Serbian parishes and organizations in the United States opposed the idea of "delineation" or "border correction" by a joint letter addressed to the US Senate, Congress and individuals in the administration.

The letter of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the United States, which through the three dioceses makes about 184 churches and monasteries, Kontakt plus radio transmits in full:

''Dear Senators, Representatives of the Congress and officials in the Administration:

As leaders of Serbian Orthodox parishes and Serbian-American organizations across the United States, we appeal to you to appeal for the protection of security, human rights and religious freedoms of the Serbian population in Kosovo and Metohija, as well as to express our strong opposition to the proposed division of the territory.

For nineteen years, the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija were systematically deprived of their most basic human rights - including the right to freely pray to God, to use their property, and even the right to visit their homes and churches from which they were forcibly expelled. It disturbs us that after several years of dialogue, and after the authorities in Pristina approve to apply standards for the protection of Serbs that comply with European and international human rights standards, Kosovo Serbs continue to face discrimination, threats of violence, attacks on basic human dignity and existence, as well as the general neglect of the authorities for the rule of law.

In this context, we firmly oppose the proposed territorial division of Kosovo and Metohija that would cause mass exodus and internal expulsion of the population - as all historical divisions have done. This scenario would leave our most important churches, monasteries and sacred places exposed and subject to attacks without the basic legal and institutional protection of this 21st century, and it would be contrary to the UNSC Resolution 1244 and the Message of the Holy Archdiocese of Kosovo and Metohija on May 13, 2018.

The Serbian Orthodox Church, for centuries, share the fate of the Christian population of Kosovo and Metohija promoting the peace, reconciliation and dignity of every individual as an unrepeatable man, created by God's image and likeness. We believe that, as a minimum, this voice of the Church, also deserves to be heard by officials and decision makers while considering vital issues that will affect its life."