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"Johnson's conclusions will decisively affect the final position of the USA" (RTS)

Senator Johnson came to inspect the situation, see what possibilities and ideas are for reaching an agreement, and he returns to Washington with conclusions that will decisively affect the final US position on Kosovo, says to Radio Television Serbia (RTS), Stefan Surlic, the Faculty of Political Science in Belgrade.

He told RTS that the United States sent a clear message during the visit that they are flexible, for two reasons.

The first is that they do not want Kosovo to remain an unfinished project, and the other that the existing administration wants to show that it is ready to resolve an international conflict, Surlic says.

Surlic believes that despite positive tones, that first came from National Security Advisor of the United States, John Bolton, one cannot expect the US to withdraw recognition of Kosovo's self-proclaimed independence.

Senator Johnson, as Surlic remarked, with his presence and another visit since February, shows that he really pays attention to the issue of Kosovo and the future agreement.

He thinks that Johnson came to inspect the situation, to see what possibilities and ideas are to reach an agreement, and his return to Washington with conclusions will decisively affect the ultimate position of the United States.

Regarding Germany's standpoint, Surlic explains that the country is opposed to the demarcation because the entire process of normalization was based on the topic of Kosovo, i.e. conditioning of Serbia on its path to the EU.

Germany sees demarcation as a defeat of its policy, says Surlic.