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Dacic: EU as Supreme Council from Tibet (Prva TV, Tanjug, B92)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic assessed the event on the Gazivode lake as a provocation that represents continuation of everything that took place over the last couple of months, Serbian media reported on Sunday.

Commenting on Kosovo President Hashim Thaci visit to Gazivode lake, escorted by Kosovo special police members, Dacic told Prva TV, “he does not believe that Thaci had tourism desire.”

Dacic added “that such situation destroys hardly achieved stability.”

Dacic also said the visit represents a violation of the Brussels agreement, recalling that former EU High Representative Catherine Ashton organized a meeting in NATO, where it was agreed that no Kosovo security forces can enter the north of Kosovo without two conditions fulfilled beforehand. Dacic underlined he was present at that meeting and NATO Secretary General guaranteed that.

The first condition is KFOR should be informed, and the second condition is that the mayors of the Serb municipalities are also informed, and they give consent to it,” Dacic clarified.

Commenting on EU’s role, Dacic said the “EU did not even try to take part in resolving this issue, and as President Vucic said he could not contact them. I only know Serb municipalities were neither informed about ROSU arrival, nor their consent was asked.

“The European Union made a statement like some Supreme Council from Tibet, urging all sides to remain calm. I expect nothing from them. I told Vucic hundreds of times, he should not count on their impartiality, not only of the European Union, but of the international community as well.”

“The situation has changed significantly, everybody understands it is Pristina that creates issues, but there is no reaction, no pressure exercised upon them,” Dacic told Prva TV.