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Belgrade's Plan: Protection for the 44 holy sites and monuments in Kosovo (TV Most, Vecernje Novosti)

Guarantees to the Serbian Orthodox Church to have full right to dispose of all its movable and immovable property and to maintain the legal protection regime for 44 facilities that represent special zones of Serbian cultural and religious heritage, and recognition of the position of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) in Kosovo  - those are the main demands of Belgrade in a plan sent by the Serbian side to European mediators in dialogue with Pristina, TV Most reported, quoting daily Vecernje Novosti.

The text states that the special protection zones of the Serbian heritage include the monasteries of Visoki Decani, Gracanica, the Pec Patriarchate, Banjska as well as other temples and churches in Gnjilane, Strpce, Srbica, Klina and Orahovac.

The list includes and the medieval bridge Vojinovic in Vucitrn, monument Gazimestan, fortress Zvecan, medieval town of Novo Brdo, Velika Hoca village ...

Director of the Office for KiM, Marko Djuric, says that Serbia has not only been saying for years that it is necessary to discuss the issue of the position of Serbian cultural and spiritual heritage in Kosovo within Brussels dialogue, but Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic also presented to EU officials a very concrete plan which guarantees Church absolute protection.

"I must point out that the unjustified and not good-natured criticisms of those who claim that Serbia has not done anything so far to protect our sanctuaries in Kosovo and Metohija and especially are harmful such accusations that come from individuals from the Church itself," Djuric told Novosti.