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Simic against draft law on the formation of the Kosovo army (RTS)

A member of the Kosovo Assembly Presidency and a member of the Serbian List, Slavko Simic, voted in today's session against the agenda and proposal to forward to the parliament the three draft laws on the transformation of KSF into the army for consideration, reports Radio Television of Serbia (RTS).

"I confirm that I was explicitly against the proposed agenda, which included three draft laws that allow the formation of the so-called Kosovo army, because it is against the will of the Serbian people in Kosovo," Simic told RTS after the session of the presidency of the assembly.

Simic said that the proposal to transform the KSF into the army was contrary to UN Security Council Resolution 1244, and that it places damage to the trust, peace and stability of Kosovo, as well as the entire Western Balkans.

President of the Kosovo Assembly Kadri Veseli said that the Kosovo Army will be formed this year, recalls RTS.