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Lesotho revokes statements about recognition of Kosovo (Tanjug, B92)

Lesotho has withdrawn its political stance on the status of Kosovo and all statements that could be interpreted as recognition of Kosovo's independence.

Lesotho has withdrawn its political stance on the status of Kosovo and all statements that could be interpreted as recognition of Kosovo's independence.

The Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho has revised its political position on the status of Kosovo, according to a note from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Relations of Lesotho, to which Tanjug has had insight.

"The Ministry has the honor to inform that the Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho that its only contribution to the solution of the future status of Kosovo should be the support of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, rather than defining the status before the dialogue is over, so the issue of the statehood in Kosovo is premature. The Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho neither declared itself on this issue, nor will it do so until the dialogue between the two sides has been completed. When the parties reach an agreement, the Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho will firmly support it," the note says.

At the same time, the government of the African country withdraws all previous statements regarding Kosovo, especially those that can in any way be interpreted as recognition of Kosovo's independence, the document states.

Lesotho further points out that "the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo from February 2008 is in contradiction with the Helsinki Final Act, inter alia, with its principles 3 and 4 and is even more in contradiction with UN Security Resolution 1244 (1999) that was adopted in accordance with Chapter VII of the UN Charter."