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Kosovo is our biggest issue, not rule of law, Vucic says (N1, TV Pink)

The President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday that the rule of law was not the most significant problem for Belgrade, but that was the Kosovo issue, the Beta news agency reported.

Speaking to the Pink television, Vucic said that the European Commission would soon “report significant progress made by Serbia in the rule of law,” adding that the Venice Commission approved the constitutional amendments and that "everything goes in right direction.”

Commenting on the European Commissioner for the Enlargement Johannes Hahn statement that Kosovo was not the only condition Serbia had to fulfil, Vucic said that "Belgrade carefully watches everything that is going on in the European Union."

“We are on the European path because we want a democratic society, an organised country, but Kosovo is our most serious problem,” Vucic said.

He added that “a foreign factor does not want” an agreement between Belgrade and Pristina and that “it is increasingly difficult” to preserve the stability in Kosovo.
Vucic reiterated that Serbia wanted a compromise with Kosovo Albanians, but “that it is now clear that it is next to impossible to achieve due to the political climate both in central Serbia and in Kosovo.”

He rerred to the recent opinion poll in Serbia showing that over 40 percent of those questioned were against the separation from Kosovo.

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