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Process of forming Kosovo army uncertain (Danas)

Leaders of major Western countries will not comment on an initiative to transform Kosovo Security Forces (KSF) into an army, since it remains “uncertain how the process would unfold further,” Belgrade-based daily writes today referring to its diplomatic sources.

According to the daily’s interlocutors, USA, Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy “in principle support creation of armed Kosovo formation” however, they would continue to insist this transformation to be “gradual” and in consultation with minority communities, including the Serbs in Kosovo.

Plator Avdiu, research at the Kosovo Centre for Security Studies told Danas Kosovo Security Forces will not change its name into the Kosovo army.

“Constitutional change of KSF name into the armed forces of Kosovo can be achieved only by constitutional amendments, that might happen in the future. However, if we exclude the name, Constitution of Kosovo, does not set any limitations concerning the mandate and the mission of KSF (…),” Avdiu told Danas.