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Judah: Putin and Thaci meeting's message directed to Vucic: “Go ahead” (BETA)

British journalist Tim Judah thinks that Russia would have major benefits if the result of the Belgrade-Pristina negotiations would be recognition of Kosovo and exchange of territories, BETA news agency reports today.

“Russia could use such precedent in an attempt to achieve similar agreements for secessionist territories which are under its control in Moldova (Pridnestrovie) and Georgia (South Ossetia and Abkhazia),” Judah said.

Commenting on Putin-Thaci meeting in Paris during the ceremony to mark the 100th anniversary since the end of the WWI, Judah said that “Putin used Kosovo as precedent, when in 2014 Russia took over the Crimea.” He also noted the meeting was a sign, that Russia would support an idea on exchange of territories.

“Putin said he would support everything Serbia and Kosovo agree about. If he was against it, he would clearly say it, as German Chancellor Angela Merkel did it, but instead he said he would support whatever Belgrade and Pristina agree about.

According to Judah, this meeting was a message to the Serbian President Aleksadnar Vucic “to go ahead.”