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Chepurin for RTS: Russian stance on Kosovo very clear, we are against artificial deadlines (RTS)

Ambassador of Russia to Serbia, Alexander Chepurin told RTS the political cooperation between Serbia and Russia is on a high level without precedent, adding Russia advocates Kosovo issue to be resolved in a political manner within Belgrade-Pristina dialogue.

Commenting on Putin-Thaci meeting in Paris, Ambassador Chepurin noted that in such ceremonies as was the one taking place on November 11, there are dozens, hundreds of brief encounters. Putin is polite man. He greets hundreds of people he meets, exchanges few words with them.

Second, Ambassador Chepurin added, Putin was there as a guest. We know that Serbia, Russia and France were crucial states in the WWI.  However, France was in charge of organizing the ceremony, and they invited all those they deemed necessary to be invited, including the president of unrecognized state Kosovo. And this is where the problem appears. We usually believe guests would act in a culturally, quiet and modest manner, but as we could see some guests do not do so, Chepurin said.

We saw the similar situation in New York, where in the UN hallways they were intercepting people, trying to start conversation with them. Remember, there was a brief encounter with Prime Minister Ana Brnabic as well. Was it agreed? Was it a special operation? Or a mere coincidence? Chepurin asked. So, the same way Ana Brnabic was caught in the hallway in New York, happened in France.

Asked if he knows what Putin and Thaci spoke about and how long the talks lasted, Chepurin responded that Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov already provided information about that.

He once again reiterated that stance of Russia when it comes to Kosovo is very clear and shall not change. Russia advocates for the problem to be resolved in a political manner, within Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. He also noted that each dialogue has its legal foundation, and in this case, there is no other legal foundation but the UN SC Resolution 1244. This is the only legal foundation, Chepurin stressed.

He also added that Serbia fulfilled all its obligations deriving from the Brussels agreement, while Pristina did not implement a single crucial obligation, such as the establishment of the Community of Serb-majority Municipalities. He further pointed out attempts to create Kosovo army, as well as armed intrusions in the north of Kosovo.

Therefore, it is not possible to have negotiations if one side does not meet its obligations. And the responsibility for it certainly stays with Pristina, but also mediators in these talks, and they are the ones who must be hold responsible for fulfilling obligations that the parties in the dialogue undertake, Chepurin concluded.