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OSCE Media Freedom Representative concerned over impact on distribution of Serbian print media in Kosovo (Serbian media)

The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Harlem Désir, today expressed his concern over the restrictive impact on the distribution of Serbian print media in Kosovo following the introduction of recent trade measures, Serbian media report.

He recalled the necessity to preserve all citizen’s right to access to information in their language

“Access to newspapers, including Serbian print media, must be guaranteed for all citizens and local communities at all times,” Désir said, highlighting that “the media and access to information should not be a collateral victim of the current situation.”

Following the introduction of increased import tariffs on Serbian goods last week, it has been reported that no Serbian print media have reached newsstands in Kosovo.

“I recall that citizens’ unhindered right to information and a pluralistic press must be ensured and protected in all circumstances, without any barriers,” Désir added.

The Representative concluded that due consideration should be given to the right of information in one’s mother tongue and that measures restricting media pluralism should be removed, as the media constitutes a vital pillar of democracy.