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Kossev: Sylejman Selimi hospitalized two days before the trip to the Hague, received two days off for New Year’s celebration

The former commander of the Kosovo Liberation Army, Sylejman Selimi, who is supposed to appear before the Special Prosecutor’s Office in the Hague tomorrow, is being treated at the Clinical Hospital Center of Kosovo and can only travel to the Hague with medical escort – the director of the ORL Clinic in Pristina, Hajdin Thaci said.

„He can only move around if he is accompanied by a doctor and if he receives therapy. In these circumstances, when the patient is not stable and when he cannot walk normally and in the state he is in, he can travel, but he needs to be on the IV the entire time,“ said Thaci.

Pristina-based Gazeta Express earlier reported that Selimi was admitted to the hospital on Monday with „symptoms of dizziness and vomiting“, and that such a condition „can delay“ his trip to the Hague.

Meanwhile, Selimi’s lawyer, Tom Gashi, posted on his Facebook profile that the Selimi legal team is currently negotiating with the Special Prosecutor’s Office on the possibility of Selimi being questioned in Pristina on some other date, when his health stabilizes.

Gashi claimed that the general health of the former chief of KLA has been deteriorating for several years now and that he has been receiving treatment since December 5th.

Selimi was admitted to the ORL clinic on January 4th from prison in Dubrava, where he was serving his sentence. According to Thaci, under the circumstances, he will remain in the ORL clinic for treatment for 10 days.

Selimi was to be the first of the eight former senior KLA officers to appear before the Special Prosecutor’s Office in the Hague in January.

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